Monday 11 March 2013

The Red Mill Supper Club donates over $3,700

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The Red Mill Supper Club donates over $3,700

We are always interested in initiatives that our customers are involved in; especially those that give back to the communities that we serve.  A great example of this is the Red Mill Supper Club in Stevens Point.  The Red Mill Supper Club donated over $3,700 during December 2012.  

Area non-profit organizations were approached by Don Thompson, owner, of the Red Mill Supper Club in November about a gift card promotion for December. The organizations could buy $20 gift cards for half-price ($10), and then sell the gift cards for $15 to fund-raise for different causes.

Four organizations responded to the offer: Trinity Lutheran Church (Stevens Point), Saint Paul’s Lutheran Church (Junction City), J.F. Kennedy PTO (Junction City), and Saint Bartholomew’s Parish (Town of Carson). In total, the Red Mill donated $3,700 through the promotion.
The Red Mill has also made donations throughout the year to: Boys & Girls Club, Big Brothers Big Sisters, SPACS, Children’s Medical Research, Project Graduation, Kids from Wisconsin, churches, and numerous benefits for those suffering loss &/or illness.
“This was a brand new concept that was a win-win.” said Thompson. “The Red Mill was able to help worthy community causes, while increasing the public’s awareness of the restaurant. Since the renaming of Highway 10 to HH and the opening of the bypass, the Red Mill has been somewhat out-of-sight; out-of-mind.”
“Being a family-owned independent restaurant means a lot these days. When customers patronize the Red Mill, they aren’t helping some corporate CEO build another vacation home. Rather, they help us support the community.”

The Bay Towel team congratulates Mr. Thompson and everyone at The Red Mill Supper Club for their wonderful campaign.  We couldn't agree more on the important role that family-owned independent businesses play in our community.